Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Cancel Invoice error with AP_INV_IS_CREDITED_INV

When canceling invoice, AP_INV_IS_CREDITED_INV error shown. There is a correction on the invoice. You have to fix the data directly on database. Use the following steps to fix the data:
1. Login as apps user to the database.
2. Identify the invoice_id of the invoice to be canceled using
select invoice_id from ap_invoices_all where invoice_num='your invoice number'
3. Verify that your invoice is a corrected invoice using
select invoice_id, line_number from ap_invoice_lines_all where invoice_id = corrected_inv_id
4. You should see your invoice_id on the result, if not then you are facing another problem.
5. Fix the data using this sql
update ap_invoice_lines_all set corrected_inv_id=null where invoice_id='your invoice id from step 2' and line_number='line number from step 3'
6. Don't forget to commit.
7. Cancel your invoice from application.

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